Xupu County

  • 网络溆浦县
Xupu CountyXupu County
  1. Study on Fuzzy AHP Comprehensive Evaluation of Ecological Environment of Small Town & Take Xupu County in HuNan for Instance


  2. Strengthen the Management of Mine Administration and Govern the Mines according to Law ── The present situation of mining order and Some measures taken for the rectification in Xupu County


  3. In Xupu County , Hunan , this insect has one generation per year , overwintering in the litter or on the soil surface in the egg stage .


  4. There are plenty of Au Sb resources in Xupu County , Hunan Province where there are three Au bearing or Au ( Sb ) bearing mineralizing belt s stretching in NE direction , belonging to a part of Xuefeng mountain Au Sb W mineralizing belt .
